Nowadays, people like to play computers especially the internet. Internet is very useful, it is very easy for us to know what is happening around the world. Now, I want to introduce everyone to my favorite web site. This web site is called You Tube. It is a web site that allow everyone to watch videos, upload videos and download videos from that web site.
I like to go to this web site because I like to watch movies, so it helps me find movies that I wanted to watch. We don't have to waste our money to buy DVD because there is a cheaper way to watch movies by going to the You Tube. There are more advantages that this web site has. We can watch movies that has already made but hasn't been on sale yet.
Moreover, we can watch short videos that people around the world upload them. We also can upload videos into the You Tube by creating account in that web site then the rest is easy. One thing that annoys me in this web site is that, it takes too long to watch videos. We have to wait like 15 minutes if you want to watch the movies smoothly with no errors.
Also we can dowload videos that we like from that web site, so you can watch them any time you want and we don't have to waste any of our money. You should like this web site because it is very helpful and it is very easy to use. If you interested in this web site, you should go to "". I think in 10 years time, this web site is still popular because it is the cheapest way to watch movies and it is very easy to use. You can broadcast yourself and show the world your masterpiece.
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