Friday 4 March 2011

My famous person

Christoper Colombus was born in northwestern Italy . He thing that the world that we live in is round. in that era people don't agree with his idea because they thing the world is flat. Christoper Columbus said when we arrived from east and we came back from west .when he arrived from west we came back from east. columbus has want to show all the people that he idea is right,but he didn't has his own ship to travel. if he want to travel he need to has big ship a lot of people and some food. . he try to found transportation for his travel. first he has asked the famous people in his country to help. next he has send message to national assembly of Portugal and England. whatever they said he was stupid and crazy. he idea has not working. so he can't got any help.

Christoper Columbus was a little bit sad when they said he was stupid like that. and then he went to find his friend that is a famous person in Spanish. it is a good luck for Christoper Columbus . princess Elizabela like his . she give Christoper Columbus three big ship and 1200 people and thing that he need for travel.

Christoper Columbus has travel 4 times :
- first time : from 1492 - 1493
- second time : from 1493 - 1496
- third time : from 1498 - 1500
- fourth time : from 1502 - 1504

For his travel 4 times MR Christoper Columbus has found some island like Bahama island,
Koba island .
he has successful . because his travel he has found America continent

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