Wednesday 16 February 2011

The Ghost Lake

One day , a man named Jake went for a swim with his friend named Jessie in a lake at night . Then they started to swim faster and faster to the center of the lake which where the ghost lives .

Suddenly they heard a noise . Then the noise became louder and louder . Jake wanted to swim back to the house but Jessie doesn't want to swim back to the house. Then Jake swim back to the house but he heard Jessie shouted HELP!!!HELP!!!!

At first he was joking . The second time the ghost came and caught Jessie leg and he shouted HELP!!!! but Jake doesn't believe . Jessie shouted again then Jake looked back and saw Jessie is drowning . So Jake swim as fast as he can to help Jessie . Then the ghost pulled Jessie harder but Jake is a strong man so he pulled Jessie harder than the ghost.

Once again Jake saved Jessie from the ghost and they never swam in the lake again until today.

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