Wednesday 16 February 2011


Along time ago in kompong chnang province had a strange story,There were husband and his wife just married and their parents gave them a house that had a huge ground.Their went to live that house simple like the other people near their house.Next day it had a very very strange story that everybody never see it before let read it with me together.

One night husband and his wife
  • dreamed about ghost and that ghost said i wanted to buy your house but they don't believe that ghost had money to buy their house and ghost said if both of you don't sold this house for me all of you will be slept under the house tomorrow.Tomorrow when they got up they see them under the house like the ghost said before.His wife said we should sell this house to the ghost and her husband was agreed.Tonight they also dreamed about ghost again the ghost asked ''How much this house?"ghost asked.They said it seven thousand dollars and the agree to bought this house.Tomorrow morning husband and his wife got up see the money on the table near his bed.They said oh! it can not to incredible that the ghost money,but two of them took this money and went to their hometown is in Rathanakiri.So that house is ghost house when at night those window was opened by itself and the staircase every night it always moved the place.

Now a day,ghost house is at kompong chnang province.The neighbor that have the house near the ghost's house the ghost always haunt them every night.Nobody dare go to ghost's house,So the house is ghost private.Now the ghost's house is more modern and more beautiful because ghost is built my itself.So now bye see you next blog""---"""!

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