Wednesday 16 February 2011


long long time ago ,there was a judge live in the house,however when he died ,no one can go near or go into the house.if they went into the house , they will get kill by the judge.the judge is the mean, scary horrible man.every one afraid of him. Although, there was one man go to that house and get kill by the judge.

The story of judge house was begin,one day there was a man going to have the test ,so he decided to go to the provincess to study in the quiet place.First ,he stayed in the guest house,but 5the guest house is not a quiet place ,so he decided to changed placed.he walk around that province than he saw the judge house,so he going to moved to that the evening he came to the guest house and pay the fee for the guest house.the manager of guest house ask him where do you lived if you don't have relative here don't tell me that you lived in the judge house.than he say yes.At midnight when he study he heard the mouse sound.there was a big mouse sitting on the chair looking at him with a very evil eye.he throw the book to the mouse but the mouse is disappeared.In the morning he ask one girl to clean the house for him than he tell her to clean the first picture .In the night he came back .he look at the picture it was the picture of the judge that looking at him very evil .than he feel like that he nose is very difficult to breath.than he died.when the manager of guest house came to visit he is already died

Is it scary to you?I think it is not.because it is just the story,right.When I first read this story I fe3el a little scary ,also a little exciting

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