Wednesday 16 February 2011

Left 4 Dead

The whole city in New York is infected an turn in to a dangerous creatures that eat people that doesn't infected of the poison gas.Th whole city dis now call Zombie city but wait there a four left people that survive the infection.They are the last people in New York city.

They only choice now is to run to the mercy hospital. The mercy hospital have a radio that can contact to the near country to rescue them. But until they get there they have to pass 3 way to get to the mercy hospital.the four people name was Bill Zoey Louis and Francis.They got to go pass the city way to the underground subway station.They will have to pass boomer hunter and smoker.This is hard but they will survive the run to the underground subway station.Then Bill"said i need a hand to kill the Zombie while i reloading the ammo".Zoey said"i have to kill boomer fist".Then hunter strike for Zoey but it was a fail strike Louis shoot at hunter at the head.They have got into the safe house.Then they plan that they will go next place.They will pass the mall and Louis think that it bad idea because mall is a big place if we make sound they will come an it a dead end.Then we should go through the sewer they are small and is easy to kill them.Zoey agreed to this plan.They have pass the the sewer without wasting any ammo but went they got up they face the dangerous Zombie of all is Tank the deadly killer.Tank has pound Louis very hard and his body was blow away an than Bill jump to tank mouth an put a bomb in hi mouth and than tank blow up.They got to mercy hospital by they have to get up to the mercy hospital to send a rescue.At that time a lot of Zombie coming.They fought back really hard.The helicopter but the tank got bill and Louis lag they died but Zoey and Francis got on it.And it was to late to save them now.

The helicopter take them to the airport with a lot of army to protect the survive there a only 15 people in the whole New York city.The survival has return to other country put them in the hospital for there injured.